B2: First | Reading

B2: First | Use of English

B2: First | Writing

B2: First | Listening

B2: First | Speaking

On this 30-week course, students will prepare for the Cambridge Assessment English B2:First exam. They will get intensive practice of the different papers that make up the exam and will be provided with the technique to approach each part. In total, the students will complete 24 practice tests over the 30 weeks and have the opportunity to further practice each part with the extra online platform material provided.
By the end of the 90-hour course, students who have reached the required level will be able to sign up for the B2:First exam at their nearest accredited Cambridge exam centre. As these are specific exam preparation courses, students are advised to take the exam as soon as the course ends. Please note the cost of the exam is not included in the course price.
Classes will be conducted online via Zoom with a teacher.
Maximum number of 12 students per group.
Students will review the reading technique for the exam and will go through each reading task in detail with the teacher during the class. With constant practice, they will acquire the skills required to pass this part of the exam.
Students will review the different vocabulary and grammar structures that are tested at this level. They will look through the different parts of the exam which make up Use of English and will correct each task in class with the teacher.
Not only will students be tested on their listening skills, but they will also be taught how to overcome problems they have with exam listening. Each listening exam is analysed in detail and the answers explained fully.
Students will practise writing the different text types required at this level. They will be guided by the teacher in class as to how to approach each task and how to plan their writing effectively.
The class will be guided through the different parts of the speaking exam and have intensive practice with a partner, alongside correction.
Students will also have access to the online self-study component, consisting of 6 modules in which the student can reinforce their learning alongside the class input. Students will have access to the online course components from the day the course begins and for the following 30 weeks.
Course Dates: 30/10/23-28/06/24 (no class on 04/12 and during Christmas and Easter holidays)
2 x 1.5 hours class per week (30 weeks)
Total Course Hours: 90
All material included in the price.
Acceptance onto this course is subject to completing a written and spoken level test with a teacher. Students will need to demonstrate a clear B2 level before they can start intensively preparing for the exam. The teacher conducting the level test will advise the student accordingly at the end of the test.
This course is suitable for anyone looking to intensively prepare for the B2:First exam. Students will be expected to complete homework each week, which consists of completing parts of a practice exam. This homework must be completed before the lesson so that the exam can be corrected as a group with the teacher.
Course participants must use a suitable device to attend the classes, with a camera that they can connect when using Zoom. It is suggested that course participants download the Zoom app before starting the classes.